- 电影
ALONE YET NOT ALONE is based on an inspiring true story taken from a novel of the same name written by Tracy Leininger Craven and depicts a family at a critical juncture in America's history. Fleeing religious persecution in Germany, the Leininger family seeks a new start in uncharted country - America. It is the mid-1700s and British and French forces are struggling for contro...
- 电影
★轟動全球!最炙手可熱的驚悚小說名家B.A.芭莉絲,《紐約時報》《今日美國》《星期日泰晤士報》暢銷作家心理驚悚力作! ★出道即巔峰!B.A.芭莉絲繼暢銷出道作《關上門以後》榮獲最佳心理驚悚小說後,最扣人心弦的驚悚力作! ★改編自《紐約時報》暢銷冠軍小說《崩潰》,年度最扣人心弦的心理驚悚電影。 ★入選Bustle網站2017年最令人期待的驚悚小說! ★英、美Amazon書店、Goodreads書評網★★★★壓倒性好評! ★燒腦推理神作又一部,驚悚推理迷絕不容錯過的電影,精采程度更勝《鋒迴路轉》及《佈局》,故事百轉千迴讓你不到最後一刻無法猜出真相! ★當記憶與現實糾纏交錯,連自己都無法相信,你還能相信誰? 故事大綱 當記憶與現實糾纏交錯,你分得清楚,哪一個才是真的嗎? 一個下著滂沱大雨的夜晚,凱絲在參加完派對之後想要抄森林裡的近路回家,卻發現一輛汽車停在...
- 电视剧
英国BBC电视剧《Hustle》是一部另类的电视剧,目光对准了在伦敦市招摇撞骗的五个诈骗犯,虽然不像那些打打杀杀的犯罪分子们总是弄得血雨腥风,却依然看得人心惊肉跳。全剧由曾凭借《MI-5》获得英国学院奖的制作团队打造。 诈骗:一种无形的犯罪,手法是找出某人想要什么,然后再诱骗他们上当。Hustle是由MI-5的原班制作打造,描述五个一流的老千在伦敦市行骗的过程。他们专找具争议情的人物下手。他们的第一条行规是;不能骗老实人。
- 电影
A true indie film through and through, Elephants takes an authentic look at a modern relationship in a "slice of life" style, peeling away intimate layers to ask the question: how do you know when someone's right for you or rather, when it's time to move on? After a three year stint in prison, the charming but hot-headed Lee Riley returns to Los Angeles to win back the girlfrie...
- 电影
故事发生在风景秀丽的密西西比河畔,汤姆(Tommy Kelly 饰)自幼丧母,是一个身世可怜的孤儿。然而,在朋友和亲戚们的帮助和扶持下,汤姆还是成长为了一个快乐勇敢的男孩。哈克贝利(Jackie Moran 饰)是汤姆最好的朋友,两个孩子在一起,常常惹出各种各样的麻烦,闹了数不清的笑话。 一次偶然中,汤姆竟然成为了一宗凶杀案的目击证人,由于害怕遭到凶手的报复,汤姆和哈克贝利决定离家出走,踏上逃亡的旅途。汤姆的失踪让亲人倍感焦急,可他却在孤岛上开辟了自己的小天地,过得逍遥快活。最终,在案件即将审判之时,汤姆站了出来说出了真相,帮助法官做出了公正的判决。
- 电影
A vehicle crash in the Pine Barrens leads to a missing teen which raises conspiracy theories about the infamous Jersey Devil legend. On the anniversary of the crash, Sarah Franklin, convinced her cousin Kelsey is alive, goes out to the crash site with Alex, Kelsey's boyfriend, to investigate. Things go downhill quickly as Sarah and Alex uncover what really lurks in the woods.
- 电影
“After being embarrassed by the mean girls at school, Faye, a practicing witch, summons the evil Cupid to take revenge on all those who wronged her. On Valentine’s Day, Cupid does in fact rise and will stop at nothing until the walls are covered in blood. The students must figure out a way to stop Cupid and undo the spell before their hearts get broken… literally.”
- 电影
On Christmas Eve, a scorn widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an evil Christmas tree. Hell-bent on getting revenge on the one who caused his execution, the body count keeps rising as the tree hunts her down. Can anyone stop this killer Christmas tree before he gets to his target?
- 电影
Transformed into feral and bloodthirsty, Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet terrorise Christopher Robin and a group of young women at a remote house.